Wednesday, August 21, 2013


August 7th

Well we are heading to Yosemite.  We found out that we have to drive an hour to get to the entrance and as usual it was high and winding.
As you can see from this pix
We headed up the Tioga Road into the Yosemite Wilderness.  We were soon above the tree line.
Below are a couple of examples
This is a fire started by lightening in May and it is still burning
Below are a couple of examples of this
This is the back side of  Half Dome
This is example of an avalanche zone
You can see why the snow would slip off.  The rocks are so smooth.
People were swimming in this lake. Brrrrrr
After we past the lake we continued to climb up to Tioga Pass. We got there and turned around and headed back to see El Capitan.
Bridal Veil Falls.  They told us all the falls were dry.  I guess we were lucky!
After the falls we headed to the lodge for a drink and lunch.
As we were eating lunch we were joined by this fellow
Original stained glass window from the lodge
Main dining room
After we finished we headed back to Mariposa a different way.  We were following the river when we saw a detour sign.  It was a one-way bridge.  as we were going over the bridge we saw why we were detoured.  You know those signs that say watch out for falling rocks well the side of the mountain fell and took out the whole road.  We continued on and got home with out incident.  The Big Bear and Ziggy were waiting for us.

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