Thursday, August 22, 2013

On to Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks

August 8th

Today we left Mariposa and headed west.  As we headed west we saw a lot of rolling hills and grass land.
You never go very far out here before some strange rocks pop up.
Then we went thru an area of cattle grazing.  When we got to I-5 we turned south and headed into the San Joaquin valley.  They grow every type of produce, fruit and nuts.  
We even went thru the raisin capital.
Bruce got real excited when we struck corn!
We decided the next time we are near here we want to go on some farm tours. 
They love these trees out here.
We did learn how to tell an olive tree.  You can see the olives on them.
We eventually turned east.  The terrain became more hilly but they still had all the orchards, nut and olive trees and lots of grapes. 
We stopped at a road side stand and got sweet corn,new potatoes, apricots, peaches and tomatoes.  It tastes so much better here.  I am sure it is because you don't have to ship it.
We eventually start up again and it turns rocky
and there is a lot of scrub brush.
We came down into a valley with this lake.  There were lots of house boats in the marina.
We finally arrive at the little town of Three Rivers.
This fellow was standing across the road from our RV park.  I thought Paul Bunyan had a blue ox.  I guess out here he has a giant fish.  Who knew.
We pull into the RV park and panic a little because we are really taking up the whole road.  They give me are site number and we proceed cautiously.  We miss it the 1st time so we have to go down a hill and get turned around and unhook Ruby.  Finally much to the surprise of all the on lookers Bruce got the Big Bear shoe horned into our site.  We set up and Bruce got the grill out and cooks the sweet corn.   It was delicious.


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