Friday, August 23, 2013

Sequoia and Kings Canyon

August 9th

Today we headed for Sequoia.  The park entrance is only 3 miles but you have to drive 20 more miles to get to the trees.
Sequoia had the most unique entrance.
On our way to see General Grant
I thought this looked like a catcher's mitt but they called it Castle Rock.
These plants looked like they were growing out of the rocks.
I guess something had to give and it was the tree
There were so many people here we couldn't get close to General Grant but Bruce gave him a salute anyway.
General Grant in all his glory
Some facts about Sequoias
Sequoias can have noses too
This is a baby Sequoia
Hmmm I think this is a boy tree
OH NO you mean I have to walk back up that hill!  Bruce can you carry me?
Well it was a struggle but I made it.
After we left General Grant we headed into Kings Canyon with plans to see General Sherman.  We stopped at the Ranger Station and got out of Ruby and thought we were going to dye.  The trip up that hill had taken it's toll.  We decided General Sherman would have to wait for another time.  Bruce looked at the map and said he found a quicker way back to Three Rivers.  ERROR!  The road was twice as bad as the one we came on.  It was really cool but we just wanted to be home.  And then we got lost.
We were so glad when we started seeing orchards and vineyards.  We ended up on the road we came in on about 20 miles from home.  A long, long day!

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