Sunday, August 25, 2013

Heading to Flagstaff

August 17

Last night Bruce says we are going to leave early before it gets hot.  I agree with him.  I say you better set your alarm.  He says No I always get up early.  Well today was an exception.  He didn't wake up until 8:30 and it is already 90 degrees and going up fast.  So he was sweaty mess by the time we got going.  We finally left about 10:00 and headed south.
Lake Mead
As we head over Hoover Dam we see this sign.  We have to stay in the left lane because of crosswinds.  We need to stay away from the edge.
As we crossed into Arizona we found that people just park where ever they want and start living there.  You see RVs, mobile homes, junk cars and shacks.  Anything you can live in.  We continued south to Kingman and took I-40 east to Flagstaff.
I think there was some kind of mining going on.
The sky and the clouds were so beautiful today.
I liked the different rock styles.
Cool cloud shadows
Most people try to build their homes to blend in.
As we got closer to Flagstaff it started to look like rain.  We can't remember when we saw rain last.
It started to rain right before we got to our stop.  We stayed at the Black Bart RV Park.
They have a Steakhouse here.  All the workers are music majors at the University Arizona.  So all during dinner they would sing Broadway songs.  The food was great and so was the entertainment.

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