Thursday, July 11, 2013

Houston We Have A Problem

July 9

We left Clarkston and headed west.  We decided we would follow the Columbia River to Portland, Oregon and then head north to Mt. St.Helen's.  That's when I discovered my camera battery was dead and I forgot where I put the charger.  Bruce said "Why am I not surprised."  So there will be no pix today.  As we left Clarkston the terrain changed from barren to lots of hay & wheat fields.  I sure am glad I don't have to run an auger wagon out here.  One wrong move and you would be rolling down the hill!  As we met up with the Columbia River it changed to dry, rocky terrain.  Then we got to Walla Walla and we struck onions!  You can smell them when you go buy the fields they are harvesting.  We also hit the potato fields and then the grapes.  Lots of wineries.  We decided we would head to Toppenish to an Indian Casino for the night.  Just as we were about to turn north up popped Mt. Hood.  WOW spectacular.  Headed north at Maryhill and ended up at the Yakima Nation RV Resort.  Went to the Casino and admired the Indian pit bosses with their beautiful long braids.

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