Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Cedar Trail and Polebridge

June 25

Today we decided to hike the Cedar Trail and Avalanche Falls trail.  Yes I said hike!  It was a real easy hike and very beautiful.  As we were driving to the trail head a buck deer crosses the road in front of us and the about a mile later a moose decides to amble across the road in front of us.  I was so excited I forgot to take a picture!



A tree with a nose


Moss found in trees

After we finished our hike we had lunch and then decided to explore another area.  This area had been burned in a fire.  It looks totally different.


We ended up at this strange little town and found out we couldn't go back thru the park because the road washed out so we had to go back the way we came.

Retraced our route and headed home.  Bruce is pretty sure we saw where the unabomer was hiding.


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