Thursday, June 20, 2013

June 18 - On to Montana

Today we left the Rafter J-Bar and headed south to Custer where we took Hwy. 16 west.  I don't think Bruce checked the map very good because a couple times the big bear express was going up the hill and ruby was coming down.  At least we could check on the bikes!  We crossed into Wyoming and the road straightend out a little.  I was surprised to learn that Wyoming has oil wells and coal mines.
We took I-90 and crossed into Montana at Sheridan.  We stopped at the 7th Ranch at Garryowen, Mt. about 5 miles from the last stand.  The name Garryowen comes from an Irish song that Custer chose as the marching song for the 7th calvary.  This was also the site of Sitting Bull's camp.  We went to the Crow Agency trading post and had Indian fry bread tacos and finished off the fry bread with honey.  I think we are hooked!  We headed back to the 7th Ranch and Bruce decided to take off down one of the ranch roads.  We drove 10 miles and had to retrace our steps.  No side roads, lots of cattle guards,  cows and horses in the middle of the road.

These little guys were not to happy about moving!
We fnally got back.  What fun!

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