Sunday, June 23, 2013

Glacier by way of Lincoln

July 22

Today we left for Glacier National Park.  On the way we are stopping at Lincoln.  This is where Wayne, Lanny, Bruce, Rich and some of their friends  went horseback camping in the Bob Marshall Wilderness.  Bruce thinks it was around 1989.  This was a trip down memory lane for Bruce.

There was a picture of the guys by a Rogers Pass sign.  So we had to take one to see if he changed any!  I don't think so, looks the same to me.

We stopped at Lambkins for breakfast.  Bruce said they ate there

I thought Sinclair was gone.  They just went to Montana.  Who knew!

These are pictures I took out the front window of the Big Bear as we headed for Glacier.

We arrived at Columbia Falls RV Park in the afternoon.  We got set up and Bruce said lets go get some diet coke so we jumped in Ruby and took off.  The next thing I know we are half way across Glacier National Park on the road to the sun and it's raining!  It's beautiful but also scary!  We finally turned around and headed back down.  We start back and decide we need to try huckleberry pie.  We stop and have pie ala mode.  This could replace Indian fry bread!  We head back to the RV Park.  Yes you guessed it we forgot the coke.  So we go looking for a grocery store and end up with more than diet coke.  Another good day!





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